The Chaos Strain Chapter 5 Written by Lee Jin Long Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prowers and all other characters featured in this story are copyright by SEGA Inc., Archie Comics and/or DiC Productions. Please do not use this story to gain money. If you have any questions, email me at! Hyper Sonic burst into Robotnik's main control room and saw Robotnik cowering in a corner, shouting for SWATbots and Snively. Sonic sighed. Robotnik had not seen him and he was already frightened. Unfortunately, Robotnik was not concerned about Sonic. He was more concerned about the psycho mecha-warriors in the room. Sonic then heard a commotion. It sounded like it was coming from that room in the corner... Sonic opened the door, only to be thrown back to the wall by four VERY, VERY strong hands. He shook his head, trying to clear the flickies flying around his head. He looked up, only to see Tails and Sally reaching down to pick him up. Then, Sonic flew like he never did before...back to Knothole. Bookshire was shocked out of his wits when a gold a la blue figure smashed through the roof of his hut and landed hard on the floor. What was worst that he fpund out it was Sonic! Sonic was all black and blue from being cut by the branches while flying back. He stood up and grinned at Bookshire. "Sorry, Book," he said. "There's a littl' problem at ol' Robo's place!" Bookshire, remebering the previous experience, held on to his table, which was nailed to the floor. Sonic revved up and zoomed out of the hut, sending Bookshire back to the branch with table in tow... Robotnik tried to make himself as small as possible when Tails and Sally had thrown Sonic out. Unfortunately, he was too big and was noticed easily by Tails and Sally. He covered his face with his hands as he felt himself sailing gracefully for the first time out the hole which the two cyborg-maniacs had created with Sonic. Sonic, while rushing to Robotropolis, looked up and gave a yell of fright. Robotnik was coming down right on to him! SQUISH! Robotnik landed straight on Sonic's head. "Hmmm..." Robotnik thought. "Ground's particularly soft today." Just then, he felt something moving beneathe him. He gave a little squeak of surprise when a voice floated from his backside. "Eerrmm..." said the voice. "Couldjer get off me for a second?" Robotnik sat up, letting out a POOT! as he sat up. He turned around and saw Hyper Sonic holding his nose as the air set in. "Eeww! Robobutt, next time, let it off somewhere else!" he said, grimacing as though in great pain. Robotnik grinned evilly. "Ha!Ha!" he laughed loudly. "I've got you at last!" "With what?" replied Sonic, putting his hands on his hips. "I could trash you easily now, you know!" Robotnik remembered that Sonic could very well save his wonderful city and imeediately put on that smile you see in a toothbrush commercial. "Aaww, put off the act!" said Sonic. With that, he rushed past the round figure and back to the Control Room. Ten seconds later... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! A scream ripped through the whole of Mobius as Sonic was bashed, burned, crushed, punched, kicked, elbowed, cut, hit, sawed, demolished, dismembered, injured, pulled, pushed and thrown out of Robotropolis by Tails and Sally. Robotnik looked up at the sky and wisely followed the figure of Sonic the Hedgehog disappearing in the distance. Sonic landed straight on the hard, open ground of Knothole, all black and blue. Robotnik followed in a few seconds later and was surrounded by the other freedom-fighters... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Timeline : A month later... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sonic sat up from his bed and winced. Bookshire had just taken the cast of his right leg. His left leg was not ready yet, and so was the rest of his body. He tried looking at his body, only to let out a squeak of pain as the cast on his neck was stretched. Robotnik hurried into the room, holding a small towel and bucket of water. Sonic shrank back, fearing that Robotnik might attack him. "Relax!" said Robotnik. "I'm here to help you!" Sonic tried to say "No way" but it came out as "Foom Mmaay". Robotnik let of a puzzled look. "What was that again?" he said, straining his ears. Sonic gave up and leaned back, only to have the cast on his back make him wince. Robotnik soaked the towel in the bucket and put in Sonic's open leg. Sonic let out a scream similar to the one he made about a month ago, only more high- pictched. Bunnie rushed into the room, arm ready to trash Robotnik. Sonic gestured at her, trying to say that Robotnik was only dressing him leg. Finally, Robotnik explained the whole thing to her, and she grudgling left the room, muttering something about "Robutt...". Robotnik applied some purple stuff on Sonic's leg, and Sonic felt a lot better. "Painkiller, Robotnik brand," Robotnik said. Robotnik settled himseld properly on his chair, ready to speak. "Sonic," he said. "I know we have been enemies for a very long time now. You have always foiled some of my greatest plans and I have also failed to capture you. So now, since Mobius might have some new rulers...I think we should be friends. Call me Julian, if that's better for you." Robotnik stuck out his hand and offered it to Sonic. Sonic narrowed his eyes in suspicion, weary at Robotnik's, or should I say Julian's, sudden friendliness. He turned away, pretending to fall asleep. He heard Robotnik sigh and leave the room, closing the door quietly behind him. Sonic's mind was in a turmoil. Tails and Sally, formerly his friends, were taking over Mobius! Robotnik, his worst enemy, becoming a freedom-fighter! Could anything become any stranger? He heard mutterings outside but dismissed them as rumours about his condition and went back to sleep... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Timeline : 6 months later... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sonic raced around the village desperately, trying to help as many freedom- fighters as he could. However, the SWATbots kept coming, and sooner or later, the fighters would surrender. Robotnik sat in his hut, controlling the defence cannons. Bookshire pulled the casualties aside and tended to their wounds with Dr. Quack. Bunnie and Rotor fired shot after shot from their guns and Antoine was using his sword to cut apart any SWATbot going near the med-bay or the command centre. Sonic thought back over what happened a few days ago, remebering as clear as ice what happened... "WHAT!! ROBOTNIK!" cried Geoffery St. John as he saw the rotard figure of Julian the freedom-fighter. Sonic calmed him down, explaining the events leading to the freedom-fighters current state. "Stop! He's on our side!" shouted Sonic, kicking the gun away from Geoffery's hand. Geoffery pushed him aside and tried to attack Julian. Sonic kicked him from behind and Knuckles punched him in the face. Geoffery fell to the ground, panting and wheezing. "Now," said Sonic. "Ready to listen?" Geoffery nodded. "Good. Well, here's basically what happened. Tails and Sally have taken over Robotropolis. Something that Robotnik made had a side effect: evilness and utter craziness. I have tried and failed to battle those two and Robotnik has been thrown out. There, understand?" Geoffery then asked, "What about Knux?" Knuckles stepped in, "Floating Island's been discovered by Tails and Sally. Seems that although Tails and Sally are gone, their memory's clear as ice. So, they know where my home and Knothole is!" Geoffery then stood up and ran towards the newly renamed Tasalopolis, shouting, "Then I must join my love! We can rule Mobius together!" Sonic was about to run after the screaming figure, but Julian held him back, "Let him go. He's lost it." Sonic looked with tears in his eyes and another "friend" was lost, even though Geoffery was his love rival. The freedom-fighters never saw him again... Sonic was brought back to the present when a shot narrowly hit him. His gold and blue body shone brightly as he jumped and used a new move he discovered: a double jump. There was a bright light and then there was a clanking sound as the SWATbots disintergrated. Sonic landed on the ground, panting loudly. This was going to be a long and hard war... =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= The End? Not really, although it is the end of the Chaos Strain Saga. Look out for the continuation of this saga, called "A Dead New Era", coming soon! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*